
Tuesday 22 January 2013

Too many people to thank/-/ Red Hot Ginger Rolls

Sometimes I cannot believe I am approaching two months of constant blogging. This comes from a person who has never kept any kind of journal or dairy (due to inconstancy) and that I only discovered this year that people blog about food on the internet (What? It is true! I was gobsmacked). Also that so many of you people have read it! I cannot believe my recipes or food are read worthy. A big thank you for those who read and comment!

I am truly astonished that my photos get accepted to big food porn sites, once again coming from a person who only got a DLSR this year for her birthday. Still learning but hopefully I am getting better every time I pick up my camera. A big thank you and shout out to my sister and her husband for help me get into photography.

We do not say thank you enough in today’s modern life. Not a face book poke or status “Like” update, or saying it to gain something in return; I mean a go up to someone in mutual conversation and genuinely thank you. You have no idea how up lifting that can be someone, I have recently discovered.
I am guilty of not saying thank you enough to the people who do the most for me. I guess the saying is true that we take for granted the people closest to us. My mother and father are so supportive of my passion for baking; all ingredients, all power is provided by them and I cannot express how much it means to me. In a way, I try to say thank you on a daily basis by cooking for them at dinner and making whatever they request. For me food brings happiness to our lives, while it may not be as strong as saying thank you everyday but it leaves a long lasting impression.

These rolls are contribution to many bread roll recipes. The base is a simple sourdough white bread based off the sourdough shredable buns I can posted before. Instead of making them into buns I shaped them into a rolls with a cut out design, then they are brushed with a mixer of Hot sauce, butter, sesame oil, ginger and coriander.

The cut out ridges of the rolls makes a wonderful carrier of the butter glaze and allows for the bits in the mixture to really stick to the rolls. Also the rolled technique give you a roll which you can peel demonstrating it fluffiness. This is my take on the classic garlic bread, just with my Asian influence creeping in. They are really addictive chilli, butter and bread, what more does a girl need? they make great buns for BBQ or just as a simple snack.

Red hot ginger rolls- Makes 10

To Find the recipe simply go to Txfarmer’s Blog on The Fresh loaf for the bread. Prepare as instructed until you reach the stage of shaping.

Ginger and herb butter sauce

50g salted butter

2tsp of fresh coriander, finely chopped.

½ tsp dried chilli flakes

1tsp grated ginger

1tsp sesame oil.

Melt together above ingredient on the stove and leave to cool. Use as direct

Divide your dough into ten rounds.

Make a small dent in the middle of the rounds and place a few drops of hot sauce in the middle, seal tightly.

With each round, roll out into oval shape out 15cm by 8cm. Take a sharp knife and cut length ways cuts down the oval dough. Do not cut all the way through.

Take one short edge and roll up until you have a fatish log. Do not roll too tightly or it may split. Place on a lined baking tray and prove, covered for 1 hour.

Preheat oven to 200c.

Bake for 15-20 minutes until the roll sounds hollow and is golden brown.

While baking prepare the spicy butter sauce

Brush Ginger and herb butter sauce on them once they are out of oven. Cool for five minutes and transfer to cooling racks.

Store in air tight box or eat them right now!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. great looking rolls, they look very the way you rolled them!

    1. The technique is so easy and effective at holding the butter. Thank you for commenting

  3. This sounds so interesting! Beautifully presented in the pictures :)

    1. Thank you! The flavours can be changed so easily if you want to the traditional garlic or even wilder!
