
Thursday 21 February 2013

Candy bar envy/-/ Cherry ripe Inspired sourdough waffles

I am an envious person and I am probably going to get to hell for it, but eh. I know it is a dumb thing to be jealous of but I adore other countries candy bars and candies. I am envious of variety of M&Ms in the USA. I dream of the unique and flavourful chocolates in Japan. I lust over the hard boiled sweets and confectionary the British have.

Australia, none of that, no interesting candies or chocolate bars. Just the standard ones. Plain ,dark etc.

Can you image how boring it is to stare at the candy isles each week hoping a new exotic flavour might pop up? Not happy major exporters and importers of International candy.

Sure, we do on the rare occasion stock chocolates and candies in different flavours but most are short lived. I think Australian developers of candy flavours need to take a refresher course because lately the new candy bars have gone burst due to low sales, or never took off in the first place. Really? Vanilla or honey comb Mars bars? Yea, no thanks.

I have always wondered why Cherry ripe was popular enough to be included in the Cadbury favourite’s box. Besides Turkish delight, that one is always left at the bottom of box to gather dust. Strangle thing is I love cherries, I love coconut and dark chocolate; yet I find the combination repulsive in this candy bar. Maybe it is all the fake sweetness of the bar and the faux dark chocolate covering which taste more like vegetable oil than chocolate.

This past stove Tuesday, I made waffles. I don’t often get to make breakfast treats but today was special and I was bothered to whip up some while my family was in bed. Sourdough waffles are all over the food blogging sphere but they have good reason to be. It is simple and produces a consistent result every time even with my $20 waffle maker. A waffle needs a crisp exterior, burned to dark golden while the insides have a porous texture, allowing for whatever you put on them to be soaked up. I did not make them with normal milk but coconut water and skim milk powder (I forgot to buy milk), but they still taste fantastic. With the addition of fresh cherries and a homemade chocolate sauce; this is far better than the candy bar.

Maybe one day Australia might get better with inventing candy, until then I always have these.

Coconut sourdough waffles with dark chocolate sauce and fresh cherries


Adpated from wild yeast

350g Sourdough starter

100g plain flour

100ml coconut water

20g skim milk powder

30g raw sugar

1 teaspoon baking soda

1 teaspoon baking powder

60ml Rice bran oil

1/2tsp salt

Combine all ingredients in a bowl, but baking powder and soda. Allow to sit for 4 hours.

Add baking powder and baking soda. This will foam and bubble, so make sure you have a big bowl.

Cook your waffles in your waffle iron.

Serve with cherries, chocolate, coconut and powdered icing sugar.

Dark chocolate sauce

100g 85% dark chocolate

20g golden syrup

120ml cream

15g Dark brown sugar

Place all ingredients in bowl. Place above a pot of simmering water, stirring until fully melted.



    Because I have been looking for one forever, and I have not seen a square one anywhere!

    1. I got my waffle marker from a two dollar store here in Australia! I know how hard it is to find one, maybe you can try online for one that is similar.

  2. Beautiful blog and great photos, keep up the great work. Love it

    1. Thank Sophia, it is very encouraging to here people like my blog
