
Monday 28 July 2014

Fridge Raid Wonders /-/ Roasted Red Pepper Brioche Buns

red pepper burger (1 of 1)

I spent a long time on how to phrase this in order to not to offend anyone but I really could not find another word for it. What is your secret (often frowned upon) food cold sandwich mash up?  I am getting down to real basics. Think about the sandwiches you bought to primary school in foil or cling wrapped, perfectly placed next to a juice popper, fruit (or if you in a treat a jellied fruit cup) and a small chocolate or nibble mix.  

red pepper burger (2 of 1)

This is not about the man verse food type of concoctions but I am talking about the ones you discover really work when you are doing a fridge raid of your left overs and almost empty jars. No toasted sandwiches, fried sandwiches or grilled sandwiches here but the quintessential plain bread, spread condiments, cold meat/beans/cheese and other raw vegetables (or no vegetables for that matter).  A real test of your food creativity comes when you cannot change the heat or texture of food; this why I really respect mothers who pack lunch boxes for their children. 

red pepper burger (8 of 1)

As a child, I did not get much variety in what I chose to bring to school. Back then the staple was white bread often filled with thick layer of margarine and some kind of preserved luncheon ham (devon, silverside, chicken loaf). I even remember the excitement I felt when I could bring cold sandwiches filled with leftover barque chicken. 

red pepper burger (3 of 1)

 Maybe you brought sandwiches filled with peanut butter, jam, nutella or plain cheese. The worst ones would have to be the ones with tomato/ cucumber and cheese. By the time you came to eat it was a sad, sad sight; a messy, watery pile of mush (often ending up in bin)

red pepper burger (10 of 1)

 Now having more control over what I can do in the kitchen I have discovered a few flavour combos that I maybe be alone in liking. We all know their comes a time when you need to experiment with cold sandwiches. So putting my knowledge of flavour combinations aside I went on a cold fridge raid to see what I liked. 

With childlike creativity and disregard for tasting something fowl, I came up with a list of cold go to sandwiches that I truly love. I had to share this one.

red pepper burger (4 of 1)

This is my number one sandwich combo. Combine honey; natural, lightly salted peanut butter; really salty shaved smoked ham and one ripe avocado.  The vegetables are optional however they do provide the cushioning in the sandwich between the avocado and ham. The peanut butter becomes a messy sweet, savoury sauce coating the thin slices of ham. The crunchy peanut butter is must; the nuts are needed for the crunch in between the meat layers. Finally the avocado is there for extra creamy contrast and really who needs an excuse for avocado?  They are delicious!

red pepper burger (5 of 2)

I am probably out of league for posting such an in depth sandwich recipe considering I am sweet cake blog, however I draw your attention to the bun.  The bun is main reason I am posting this today. While the flavour combo above is great on any bread, it is delicious insanity on this burger bun.

red pepper burger (9 of 1)

 After doing a whole month of sweet treats and cakes I finally got to go back to my roots and do something with bread.  I love bread; any kind, any form and in any meal.  I have been experimenting with addition fruit and vegetables to bread and I have a real winner for you today. Even my 10 month old niece loves! This bread, so you be the judge (kids do not lie).

The reason why this brioche bun is red is because it is made from fire roasted red capsicums and peppers. Inspired by the whole host of alternative coloured burgers buns by colouring them with vegetables and fruits; I bring you the newest bun you have to make for next grill out. 

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 They are simply the easiest buns you can make and all you need to do is throw the ingredients into a stand mixer and mix. I normally knead by hand but I recommend the stand mixer for those who are not used to sticky dough.  It is not wet but tacky however the result is in soft, pillowy buns. 

red pepper burger (5 of 1)

These buns have the slight smoky sweetness of roasted veggies that go well with any grilled meat/bean burger or cheese. Totally carb filled, red and perfect for cold sandwiches, as grilled burger buns or even as a cheeky mid night snack (warmed with plenty of butter).

red pepper burger (2 of 1)

Roasted red pepper brioche buns

Adapted from the Bourke Street Bakery: The ultimate baking companion
Inspired by Take a mega bite and Bakers Royal


3 large red peppers
180ml warm water
20g sugar
9g dried yeast
450g bread flour
150g plain flour
40g skim milk powder
30ml olive oil
40g soften unsalted butter
2 egg yolks
15g salt

Preheat oven to 220C. Place peppers on a foil tray and place in the oven until the skins are heavy blistered and black. Once black, remove from oven and seal in a paper bag to steam off the skin. Once cool enough to touch pull off the skin and remove the stalk and seeds.  Puree to a smooth paste. You will need about 200g roasted pepper plus the juices for this bread.

Combine warm water, yeast and sugar in a large bowl to a stand mixer. Dissolve yeast and leave to foam for 10 minutes. Add flours, skim milk powder, olive oil, roasted red pepper puree and egg yolks to the bowl. Using the dough hook on your stand mixer mix on low speed for 2 minutes. Scrape down the sides and mix again for 1 minute. Add the salt and butter now add turn it up to medium for 6 minutes.  Rest the dough in the bowl for 10 minutes. Turn the stand mixer back on low for 1 minutes then high for 5 minutes. Continue this process of turning on and off the stand mixer one more time or until the dough begins to pull away from the sides of the bowl.

Scrape the dough out on to a greased surface and shape in to a round. Place in oiled bowl and cover in cling film. Place in warm area to rise for 1-2 hours or until doubled. Line two baking trays with baking paper

Once doubled turn out the dough on to a floured surface and divide dough into balls about 60g in weight. Roll in to a smooth bun shape and place on trays. Cover with cling film and allow to rise in a warm area for 1 hour or until the buns appear very soft and wobbly.  Pre heat oven to 200 C, brush each bun with egg wash (egg and tbsp of water) and bake each tray for 20 minutes until hollow when tapped.

Remove and transfer to the cooling rack.


  1. I just gave up wheat for the month, this is on my to do list right after I finish!

    1. NO Wheat for a month? You are so committed! I could never do that but break your wheat fast with these buns. You will not regret it!

  2. Replies
    1. It is wonderful that you like my pictures so much! Thank you Helene

  3. Wow those buns look amazing! Your unique sandwich combo sounds lovely too, I will have to try it sometime. :)

    1. It is even better if you have spicy peanut butter!

  4. These buns sound really delicious! And your pics are so pretty :)

    1. Aww I always love to get feed back Joyti. You should make them they are too easy!

  5. You're so inventive and innovative. Just amazing!

    1. Thanks Aaron! You actually just caught me when I am roasting another bunch of peppers for another bread recipe!
