I know I have not been blogging for a long time, so I have no right to whine about having nothing to talk about; but ironically this does give me some inspiration(if you can call it that) to write. The most annoying thing for beginning any kind of writing, whether it be your Final essay, wedding speech or weekly blog post has to be the blank page.

The blank slate is taunting you with its pure untouched surface, both a curse and virtue at the same time. You dare to begin to write the first sentence but then draw away at the last minute thing it is not good enough. If you typing on the computer the stupid blinking line sets the rhythm to your heart, as you sweat and stress over the first word you type. This is my experience every time I begin to write anything, I maybe using a little more drama in this passage but the feelings are still the same.

I have problem with writing the first sentence any kind of writing. I think it is a combination of fear of failing and me thinking it is wrong. Do ask how this can be possible when I am only one see it but that is the only way to describe it. If you are a writer and can explain it to me, Please comment below; I like to know I am not the only one with writing anxiety.

What is it about that first sentence that is so hard? Once I get past the first sentence, sure I am fine from there, but a majority of time when I start a piece is spent not actually writing anything. For insentience I have just spent the last month writing up 3000words essays (give or take) for 4 subjects. Not a lot of words I know, but that makes it even harder. Anyway I think for a solid three weeks, I actually wrote nothing. Yep, I spent days sitting at my computer looking at the blank page with hundreds, hundreds of book marked information. However one I found the right sentence to beginning my essay, BOOM I was off like rocket (I actually find it hard to stick to the word count once I start too).

So what should you take way from my experience with writing blanks? Most of all do not stress about deadlines. Totally an inspiration killer. Do not stop once you get an idea. I cannot stress this enough, Inspiration is such a wonderful thing; so do not disturb the though pattern. Finally this one is probably the easiest to implement, is if you write the first sentence wrong, you can always delete it and start again. No matter what form of media you use, nothing is set in stone (unless you are a cave man).

Well I have just finished writing up all my essays so I feel the need to write about cookies today. In Australia we do not have a large cookie culture (an non American influence one I mean); we often refer to them as biscuits like the British. However I am inspired by the feasting on the net that I have dip and dabbed in the American cookie pool. I am not big on chewy cookies (more of crunchy girl) but for this post I found one which I really like. While it chewy on the inside it is very crisp around the edges, and once baked, actually gets better. Hard to believe I know, but the flavour is deeper for some reason.

I treated myself to few bars of salted lindt this week, so it only seem fair to use them in this recipe but whatever chocolate you have use. Also I have pushed milk chips into the top because sometimes I am after a bit of child hood goodness. This tired and tested recipe from Alton Brown, so I take no credit for these. Maybe one day I can try and develop a new one. Until then if you are after a chewy, tender but crisp and fragrant cookie give it a go. You may be converted like me.

Chewy salted chocolate cookies
Adapted from Alton Brown’s :the chewy recipe
225g unsalted butter
225g bread flour
130g cake flour
1 teaspoon kosher salt
1 teaspoon baking soda
20g granulated sugar
220g muscovado sugar
1 large egg
1 large egg yolk
39ml whole milk
1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract
Zest of one orange
240g salted dark chocolate
100g milk chocolate chips for topping
Melt the butter in saucepan over low heat. Set aside to cool slightly.
Sift together the flour, salt and baking soda onto a paper plate. Pour the butter into your stand mixer's work bowl. Add the sugar and brown sugar and beat with the paddle attachment on medium speed for 2 minutes.
Meanwhile, whisk together the whole egg, the egg yolk, milk, zest and vanilla extract in a measuring cup. Reduce the mixer speed and slowly add the egg mixture. Mix until thoroughly combined, about 30 seconds.
Using the paper plate as a slide, gradually integrate the dry ingredients, stopping a couple of times to scrape down the sides of the bowl. Once the flour is worked in, drop the speed to "stir" and add the chocolate chips. Chill the dough for 1 hour.
Preheat the oven to 375F/ 185 C and place racks in the top third and bottom third of the oven.
Scoop the dough into onto parchment-lined half sheet pans, leave gaps of 5cm between each cookie. Bake 2 sheets at a time for 15 minutes, rotating the pans halfway through. Remove from the oven, slide the parchment with the cookies onto a cooling after 5 minutes.
Salted dark chocolate sounds amazing! I must get some!
ReplyDeleteI am addict to it! I swear it makes the best chocolate chip cookies, even people who do not like dark chocolate love it.
DeleteI love your pictures! I've tried cake flour in cake recipes, but not cookies. Definitely want to try these. :)
ReplyDeleteOh you are so sweet Tina!
DeleteI just want to take a big bite. I can literally just SEE how chewy they'd be! Cake flour & bread flour - used them both in making the NYT Choc Chip Cookies but have never tried The Chewy. Have always wanted to and totally trust Alton on anything!
ReplyDeletethe NYT cookie? I am not familiar with this cookie, but I used the cake/bread flour combo because my mother does. Chewy is what this cookie is all about! Thanks averie!
Deleteit's really amazing. The Chocolate cookies recipe given above is really uncomplicated and helped me in making my cakes within few minutes. I will try your another recipes on my anniversary and will definitely share with my friends.
ReplyDeleteThank you Poun, I hope you have a lovely anniversary and I wish you many more happy years in your marriage.